What do I even title this post??
We have accepted a referral and are elated to announce the newest member of our family. More details to come! What we are able to share with you at the moment is that Joel Byron Narunsky will be welcomed with the open arms of love that our family offers-- 10 arms to be exact. Joel is 10 years old and a very handsome boy that is a perfect fit with our remarkable good looks! ;) We are hoping to welcome Joel home by the end of the year!!
I am struggling as I type to word this correctly- so... I will just type. This will not be my first blind post and I am sure that what I write will be edited and protected by the One who knows what I really should be typing and what I really mean to say and convey.
What we had requested originally is not what our story is to be. I am thankful that our hearts are tender to our Designer's ultimate plan. I am thankful for children that love. I am thankful for a husband that loves. I am thankful to my God that loves. I am so thankful that I am going to have the chance to show love to another child! How blessed can I be??